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BTS’ Jimin is known for his emotional connection with both his music and his fans. His vulnerability, sincerity, and passion have made him a fan favorite, and moments where he shares his deepest feelings on stage are particularly cherished by ARMY. One such moment occurred during BTS’ Map of the Soul ON concert in October 2020, when Jimin broke down while discussing his longing to perform in front of ARMY again, a heartfelt moment that deeply resonated with fans worldwide. The much awaited ‘BTS MAP OF THE SOUL ON:E’ Day 1 brought back together BTS with ARMY after what felt like an eternity, even if it was for an online concert, it was more than everyone needed. During the concert, BTS left ARMY with a lot of mixed feelings and emotions.

From fiery performances to heartfelt emotional songs like Butterfly and We are bullet proof part 2. Jimin gave such a wild performance for his solo performances bringing the house down but knowing how emotional Jimin gets especially when it comes to talking about ARMY. During BTS’ ending-ment, Jimin broke down talking about how he felt about the whole situation of performing without ARMY present.

2020 was an unprecedented year, not just for BTS, but for artists worldwide. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, live performances were halted, and large gatherings became impossible. This was especially heartbreaking for BTS, who had planned an extensive world tour following the release of their Map of the Soul: 7 album. The tour was set to be their grandest yet, a celebration of their new music and a chance to reconnect with fans around the world.

However, the global shutdown put a stop to those plans. While BTS adapted quickly by holding online events, releasing more music, and continuing to engage with fans through social media, there was no replacement for the energy and connection they felt when performing live for ARMY. Jimin, in particular, has always expressed how much performing means to him and how he feeds off the energy of the audience. The absence of that experience for over a year weighed heavily on him.

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BTS’ Map of the Soul ON:E concert, held on October 10 and 11, 2020, was a virtual concert that allowed the group to connect with their fans despite the ongoing pandemic. The concert was a massive production, complete with elaborate sets, special effects, and new performances of songs from their Map of the Soul series. While it was a digital event, BTS poured their hearts into making it feel as close to an in-person concert as possible.

For Jimin, the concert was both a relief and a bittersweet experience. On one hand, he was finally able to perform with his members after months of waiting. On the other hand, the absence of a live audience in the stadium—a core part of BTS’ performances—left him feeling incomplete. The virtual format, while innovative and impressive, couldn’t replicate the emotional exchange between the group and their fans.

It was during one of the most poignant moments of the concert that Jimin broke down in tears. In a speech towards the end of the show, Jimin opened up about how difficult the past year had been for him. His voice trembled as he expressed his overwhelming desire to perform in front of a live audience again, specifically ARMY, the fans who have supported BTS from the beginning.

He said, “I miss you so much. I want to perform in front of you again.” His words were simple, but the raw emotion behind them struck a chord with fans watching from around the world. Jimin is known for his dedication to his craft and his fans, and the isolation caused by the pandemic had clearly taken a toll on him. For an artist who thrives on the energy of a live audience, the absence of that connection was particularly painful.

Jimin also reflected on how BTS had continued to work hard despite the challenges of the pandemic, releasing new music and finding ways to stay connected with fans through virtual content. But he acknowledged that nothing could replace the feeling of performing live. “We’ve worked so hard and come so far, but without you here, it feels incomplete,” he said, tears streaming down his face.

At the back you can hear V trying to comfort him by telling him “Don’t cry. Don’t cry.” RM then decided to give him the green light to do what came naturally, “You should cry.”

Jimin started speaking, “Preparing for this show… Before we started preparing for this show, I kind of felt like things are going really unfair. Because of COVID-19… I mean, more than anything, I wanted to perform on stage with the members and share the happiness with you guys…I don’t know why we have to go through this.”

“Like that’s all I’ve wanted to do… so I couldn’t really understand why this was happening to me and stuff… But during the encore, I watched the members having a blast on stage. And that brought me to tears.”

“I’m sorry I couldn’t focus as much as I prepared, Thank you so much for sending us all your hope beyond the screen. I don’t know if everything we prepared to show you has been delivered to you, but I hope it has been delivered to you. I’m grateful to ARMY for always supporting us.” he finished.

As much as Jimin wiped his tears and tried to compose himself, at some point he just broke down and cried letting the tears fall. At the sound of ARMYs’ loud cheers, Jimin burst into tears from the warmth he felt all around him. No longer able to speak past all the heavy the emotions, he wiped his tears. then RM quickly came to comfort him with a hand wrapped around his shoulder.

Jimin breaking down while sharing g his raw emotion with ARMY just shows how much he misses performing in front of ARMY who always give him energy and the love that radiates between them. Though ARMY were not there physically, it was great to know that they are always with BTS just as BTS is always with ARMY wherever they are.

Jungkook comforting Jimin

Such a lovely moment

The moment Jimin broke down, fans around the world flooded social media with messages of love and support. The hashtag #WeLoveYouJimin quickly began trending, with ARMY expressing their appreciation for Jimin’s honesty and vulnerability. Many fans shared their own struggles during the pandemic, expressing how much BTS’ music had helped them cope with the difficulties of the year.

Jimin’s emotional breakdown served as a reminder to ARMY that, despite their global fame and success, BTS members are human and face their own challenges. Fans felt a deep connection to Jimin’s words, as many had also been struggling with feelings of isolation and longing during the pandemic. The fact that Jimin was able to express these emotions so openly made him even more relatable and beloved to fans.

Jimin has always had a unique relationship with BTS’ fandom. He is known for his kind, affectionate nature, and he often goes out of his way to make fans feel appreciated. From his constant engagement with ARMY on social media to his heartfelt speeches during concerts, Jimin’s connection to the fandom is one of mutual love and respect.

During BTS’ concerts, Jimin often takes on the role of emotional support for both his members and the audience. He is quick to offer comfort to those who need it, whether it’s a fellow member who is feeling overwhelmed or a fan who is experiencing difficult emotions. His empathy and sensitivity are a key part of what makes him such a cherished member of the group.

One of the core messages of BTS’ music is the importance of loving yourself and finding hope, even in difficult times. This message has resonated deeply with fans, particularly during the pandemic, when many people have been grappling with feelings of uncertainty and fear. BTS has continued to spread positivity and encouragement through their music, reminding fans that they are not alone.

Jimin’s breakdown at the Map of the Soul ON:E concert was a powerful example of the vulnerability and authenticity that BTS brings to their performances. Rather than shying away from their emotions, the members of BTS have always been open about their struggles, and this has helped fans feel a sense of connection and solidarity with the group.

One of the most symbolic moments of the Map of the Soul ON:E concert was the presentation of a purple gift box, which BTS called a time capsule. This time capsule was filled with messages and memorabilia from the group, intended to be opened in the year 2039. The time capsule represents not only BTS’ journey over the past years but also their hopes for the future.

For ARMY, the time capsule is a promise that BTS will continue to be a part of their lives for years to come. The fact that the capsule is to be opened 19 years later, when today’s teenagers will have grown into adults, carries significant meaning. It symbolizes the group’s commitment to growing and evolving with their fans, remaining a source of inspiration and support even as the years go by.

As the pandemic continues to evolve, BTS, like everyone else, is eagerly anticipating a return to normalcy. The group has expressed their hopes for the future, including the desire to tour again and perform in front of live audiences. Jimin, in particular, has spoken about how much he misses the energy of a live crowd and how important it is to him to reconnect with fans in person.

In the meantime, BTS has continued to innovate and adapt to the changing circumstances. They have held multiple virtual events, released new music, and continued to engage with fans through social media. But the longing to perform live remains strong, and it is clear that BTS is determined to return to the stage as soon as it is safe to do so.

Jimin’s emotional breakdown at the Map of the Soul ON:E concert was a poignant reminder of the deep connection between BTS and their fans. It showed the emotional toll that the pandemic has taken on artists who thrive on live performances, but it also highlighted the group’s resilience and determination to continue spreading positivity and hope.

For ARMY, Jimin’s vulnerability only deepened their love and admiration for him. His honesty and emotional openness have always been key aspects of his appeal, and this moment was no exception. As BTS looks to the future, both Jimin and ARMY are eagerly awaiting the day when they can once again share the magic of a live concert, together. Until then, BTS’ message of hope, love, and self-acceptance continues to resonate, offering comfort to millions around the world.

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